- Enables you to become a Chartered Certified Accountant, use the designatory letters ACCA, and work in any aspect of finance or management in any business.
- Better employment prospects as a result of having shown an ability in all areas of business.
- Assures an employer that you have the skills necessary to progress to more senior management positions.
- Higher status in the eyes of an employer, and also your clients
- ACCA is the largest and fastest-growing global professional accountancy body in the world, with over 320,000 members and students in 170 countries
- Gaining such a qualification is evidence that the holder possesses skills and knowledge which are in high demand by employers in industry, banking, auditing, consulting as well as other professions like taxation and law.
- Candidates not only gain specialist knowledge in finance and accounting, but also acquire valuable skills in organisational management and strategy
- The qualification does not concentrate only on theory, and unlike Universities prepares a graduate for practical usage.
- The qualification is based on international accounting and auditing standards and is IFAC compliant
- ACCA Professional qualification is of a high standard and is equivalent to completing full University Degree
- With exams twice a year students can work while they study
- Personal satisfaction of having acquired the business skills
Did you know your ACCA is very flexible? You have ten years to complete your exams, you can study while you work, you can access wide range free ACCA study materials and study at home